Statutory notices
- Legal Information
The www.petitperou.com site is owned by THEVENET & FILS - SAS with capital of €40.000 euros registered number 840537484.
Registered offices: 531A Rue Ronsard - 69910 Villié-MorgonChief editor: Laurent et Hugo THEVENET
Design / Development / Webmastering / hosting: PMP CONCEPT
- Terms of use for the site
1. THEVENET & FILS authorises use of this site for personal and private purposes only Any reproduction of information contained in this site may only be made for reference purposes and is restricted to personal non-commercial use as set out by article L 122-5 2 of the French Intellectual Property Code (“Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle”). To make use of or to reproduce information other than under the above conditions is strictly prohibited.
2. The creation of a hyperlink to this website is authorised solely to the homepage address:
http://www.petitperou.com/, to the exclusion of all other addresses.3. The information contained in this site is not exhaustive and is provided for informational purposes only. Despite the best efforts of THEVENET & FILS, some information may be incomplete, out of date or contain inaccuracies THEVENET & FILS gives no guarantees as to the accuracy, availability, reliability or functions of this site or of the information it contains. The photos are not contractually binding.
4. THEVENET & FILS is not liable to you or any third party for the information contained in this site. will not be liable for any errors or omissions which may result in direct or indirect consequential loss arising from the reliability you place on this information, from the use you might make of the information and from any decision you might make on the basis of the information.
5. THEVENET & FILS assumes no obligation to update or correct the information that is available on this site and reserves the right to modify the content at any time and without prior warning.
6. By using this website you accept the Terms of Use given above and you agree to respect them.
- Service availability
We make our best effort to maintain access to the site. However, access to the site may be suspended, either temporarily or permanently for legal, technical or maintenance reasons. No damages may be required of THEVENET & FILS or PMP CONCEPT for the unavailability of the site, whether it be temporary or permanent.
- Security
It is the client’s responsibility to use all the means or security at his disposition to safeguard the confidentiality of the information exchanged. THEVENET & FILS May not be held responsible for the consequences that result from the disclosure of, however unwitting, of information exchanged or the non use of security measures by the client.
- Governing law
The terms and conditions of use of this website are governed by the laws of France and any dispute regarding this website shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts.
- Data Protection
The information that may be collected on this site is for information purposes. Under articles 35 and following of the French data processing, data files and individual liberties law (6th January 1978); you have a right of access to, communication, rectification and deletion of information collected concerning you. You may implement your right by writing to the following address: laurent.thevenet216@orange.fr.
- Copyright
All rights, save as expressly granted, are reserved. Reproduction in any form of any part of the content of this website without prior written consent from the author is prohibited unless for personal use only. All brands, logos and content are registered. All use for commercial ends is prohibited.
- Cookies and Session cookies
Cookies are small text files placed on your computer. A cookie collects anonymous information that will help us understand visitors’ browsing habits on our website that we can read during your subsequent visits to our website to ease navigation, optimise the connexion and personalise your use of the site. You may refuse cookies by configuring your internet browser. However, refusing the cookies may make some or all of the site unavailable.
- Credits
Photography: THEVENET & FILS, Laurent Chaintreuil Photographe.
Iconography: Font Awesome.
- Acknowledgements
- We would like to express our appreciation for the financial support from the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region through the CROF Vins 2016–2018 scheme.